July 9, 2024 – ASCOT’s pioneering batch of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy students were inspired as Ms. Nicole A. Gonzales, the top scorer in the May 2024 CPALE Board Exam, shared her journey of perseverance and dedication at the ASCOT’s College of Law Conference Hall.

Atty. Rocky R. Dujunco, CPA, the Dean of the College of Law, and Ms. Chrystal Faye V. Salazar, CPA, the Program Chair took the opportunity to invite Ms. Gonzales to give an inspirational talk to the incoming second-year accountancy students.
ASCOT President Dr. Renato G. Reyes emphasized in his speech “Mag-aim tayo para maging inspirasyon sa iba. Mahalaga na mayroong tinitingnan at pinaghuhugutan ng inspirasyon.”

Gonzales talked about the challenges she faced and stressed the importance of never giving up. “Dream big! ‘Yung mga tumatawa sa’yo ngayon? ‘Yung mga nangmamaliit sa’yo ngayon? Baka sila pa’ ‘yung unang papalakpak pag nagtagumpay kayo,” she said, emphasizing that success is about putting in the effort day after day.

Nicole A. Gonzales’ visit to ASCOT was more than just a speech; it was an event that sparked ambition in everyone who heard it. Her journey from student to top CPA board exam scorer reminded everyone present that success comes from dedication, effort, and believing in oneself.

“It was a great opportunity to meet Ma’am Nicole Agoy Gonzales. She shared how she managed stress through mindfulness, meditation, and regular exercise. These are simple practices we can all try to help us stay calm and focused. She reminded us that it’s okay to ask for help from family and friends when we need it.” – Immaculate Facun, 1st year accountancy student.

To wrap up, Gonzales left the students with a powerful message: “Dapat iniisip na ninyo na makakapasa kayo at ‘yung posibilidad na maging susunod topnotcher? I claim n’yo at sabihing “Ah ako na yun!” It captured her belief that anyone can achieve great things with determination.

Also present at the event were Ms. Ingrid Roseanne F. Cuento, CPA, and Ms. Jissle F. Lapig, CPA, who shared their experiences from their undergraduate course and discussed how it has helped them in their journey towards enrolling in
ASCOT’s Juris Doctor program.
